Terms of use of website and product reservation

This agreement is a public offer of “Math World” LLC ("Website","we","our"), registered at: st. Gogol, 7-60, Kanaker-Zeytun, 0069, Yerevan, Armenia (the address for sending correspondence by users is Bagrevand St., 45/7-2,0062, Yerevan, Armenia) for individuals who will accept this offer on the conditions below.
The resource www.hunterg.ai is a website where users can pre-order our product HunterG.
The moment of full and unconditional acceptance by a person of the terms of the user agreement is: access or using Website, payment for pre-order HunterG.
The Website provides information about the  "Math World" LLC and its product "HunterG".

Product reservation 
You can reserve your opportunity to buy HunterG in September 2024 with discount 10%, making pre-order via Converse Bank API, integrated in Website.

In the event of a claim against the Resource with an inappropriate decision, the User can contact the Resource Administration using one of the contacts listed in the "Contact Us" section. The administration will consider the claim as soon as possible and, if necessary, correct the situation.

This user agreement is posted on the hunterg.ai resource at: